Exercise Science Minor

Exercise Science Minor

以下是辅修运动科学的必修课程. For an overview of this program, see Health and Human Performance Degrees.

HHP 1270 Advanced Emergency Care (1 hour)

高级急救管理的原则和技术的研究和应用, cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and automated electronic defibrillators (AEDs). Students will earn American Red Cross certifications.
(Normally offered each semester.)

HHP 1910 Medical Terminology (1 hour)

本课程着重于医学术语的系统建构和术语理解方法. 包括医学术语的定义、拼写、发音和常见缩写.
(Normally offered each semester.)

HHP 2500 Basic Human Nutrition (2 hours)

这是一门课程,旨在为学生提供营养的基本科学原理,重点是他们的个人选择和经验. 学生将发展营养的定义,并了解营养是如何演变的. 本课程将向学生介绍基本营养素分类的概念, defining and developing a healthy diet, recommendations for specific nutrients, eating disorders, energy balance and obesity, body composition, lifetime nutrition (infancy to older adults), 食物/饮料的选择以及对慢性病和最佳健康的影响.
(Normally offered each semester)

HHP 2720 Introduction to Massage Therapy (3 hours)

本课程介绍按摩疗法在康复项目和个人健康计划中的应用. The class will address local, national and global perspectives, current research, history and development in the field. 强调健康按摩方法的实验室经验.

(Normally offered each fall and spring semester.)

HHP 2800 Clinical Exercise Physiology (2 hours)

本课程旨在向学生介绍临床练习. 本课程将涉及临床运动生理学在医学人群中的应用, including patients with cardiovascular disease, pulmonary disease, diabetes, cancer, and various musculoskeletal diseases and disorders. Introduction to interpreting electrocardiograms, exercise testing, and case-study analyses are also included.

HHP 2850 Structural Kinesiology (1 hour)

本课程将肌肉骨骼解剖学与人体运动相结合. 学生将学习并应用肌肉骨骼解剖和上肢的关节动作, lower extremity, and trunk movements.

Normally offered each semester.

HHP 3100 Worksite Health Promotion (3 hours)

一门旨在向学生介绍有关促进工作场所健康的概念和做法的课程. 学生将学习如何发展,实施和评估健康促进计划. 学生将在指定的社区工作地点完成20小时的实地体验,以获得宝贵的经验.
(Normally offered each fall semester.)

HHP 3120 Motor Learning and Control (3 hours)

这门课程将向学生介绍当前对复杂运动技能最初是如何学习的理解, 以及如何通过实践来控制和完善它们, from a behavioral point of view. 丰富多彩的活动将为学生提供实践范例,加深理解. 本课程适用于一般运动科学、物理治疗和教练.
(Normally offered each fall semester.)

HHP 3150 Principles Of Sport Performance (3 hours)

科学原理和理论相关的运动表现在私营和公共部门的先进研究. 讨论有关运动科学的应用和概念, testing and evaluation, exercise technique, sport nutrition, exercise psychology, program design, 并着重强调力量、调理管理和设施组织.

Normally offered each semester.

HHP 3850 Biomechanics (3 hours)

本课程将物理学与人体运动相结合,从动力学和运动学的角度来理解人体运动. 学生将探索并将这些原则应用于他们选择的人体运动或锻炼. 
先决条件:BIO 1090人体解剖学和生理学入门I或BIO 3200高级人体解剖学和生理学I.
Normally offered each spring semester.

HHP 4150 Physiology of Exercise (4 hours)

本课程采用系统方法探讨运动的生理效应和适应性. 学生们将接触到该领域的最新研究成果,这些研究成果有助于我们理解人体是如何为锻炼和运动而设计的. 这些原理的实际应用将在课堂上和整个实验室经验中探索.
One 1.5 hour lab per week.
(Normally offered each semester.)

HHP 4250 Exercise Testing and Programming (3 hours)

本课程为学生提供实验室和现场测试的实践学习,用于评估身体素质和身体成分的健康和表现. 测试结果用于制定个性化的运动计划,以提高心肺健康, muscular fitness, body weight and body composition, as well as flexibility.
(Normally offered each semester.)

HHP 4800 Research and Statistical Methods (3 hours)

《十大娱乐平台排行榜》是为高级HHP专业学生设计的,旨在培养学生对运动科学领域基本行为统计的研究过程和基本原理的理解. 本课程将着重于运动科学研究计划的创建和阅读能力的培养, writing, 以及解释和开展研究的实用技能.

先决条件:HHP 1320介绍联合健康和初级地位, or permission of the instructor.

(Normally offered each semester)

HHP 4810 Senior Research (1 hour)

本课程将侧重于培养进行研究性学习的技能, analyze results, and complete a research paper. 学生将提交他们的研究计划以招募研究对象, 就他们的研究项目的现状做一个非正式的电梯演讲, and at the end of the course, formally present their research study at
the NWU Student Symposium.


(Normally offered each semester.)
